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**WAIT.... Join the FREE Fitness & Nutrition Expert Certification Info Session on Thursday Feb 27th @ 12pm EST 
Inside FIT CHICKS Academy®:  Discover What it REALLY Takes to Become a Fitness & Nutrition Expert…
In this live info session we'll take you inside our fully recognized FNE certification program to see how you can go from zero experience to become a successful, *Certified* fitness & nutrition coach in as little as 90 days!

This info session is PERFECT for any women with a passion for fitness, nutrition, health & wellness who are looking to get certified and start their dream group fitness business.

INCLUDING Group Fitness, Online Coaching, Nutrition & Wellness...
and much more!
Inside FIT CHICKS Academy®: Discover What it REALLY Takes to Become a Successful, Certified Fitness & Nutrition Coach
In this live info session we'll take you inside our fully recognized FNE certification program to see how you can go from zero experience to become a successful, *Certified* fitness & nutrition coach in as little as 90 days!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
**Can't make it live? Sign up and we will send you the replay


Inside the FNE Certification:

Behind the scenes of this "4 in 1" group fitness, personal training and nutrition & wellness coaching certification that includes EVERYTHING you need to go from zero experience to a fully recognized certified coach with all the skills, confidence and materials to launch your own dream fitness business - no pre-requisites necessary.


What is possible for you with this total coaching certification and how you can be successful at any age or stage of life

(Plus case studies to get inspired by 100's of success stories who are THRIVING full and part time as fitness & nutrition coaches from around the world to see where you can be in as little as 90 Days)


How you can start your dream fitness business- full or part time 

...even if you have never taught a class or coached a client in your life!

Join this 40 min session and learn EXACTLY what this awesome, life & career changing 12 week certification consists of including:
  • How the program works with your schedule (no matter what!)  
  • What you can do with this awesome certification from teaching group fitness to personal training, nutrition planning, wellness coaching... to name a few
  • Behind the scenes to the Members Only Page to see the exact platform you will learn on for success
  • Meet the Expert Instructors you will learn from including nutritionists, fitness experts, yoga instructors and more..
  • Learn what our grads are doing post FNE (you will get to hear all the awesomeness they are creating post program and how you can too...and it is some COOL stuff!)
  • What are the awesome bonuses included with our community like Can Fit Pro Accreditation, NASM continuing ed credits, Fit Pro Travel Network eligibility, insurance in Canada & USA, access to FIT CHICKS University and more
  • And that is to name a few awesome topics we will cover! 
Plus, we will also be diving into:

  • Behind the scenes of how this program will not only give you the certifications to start your own fitness business but EXACTLY how to get your first 10 clients
  • Meet the Expert Instructors who will take you step by step to becoming a Fitness & Nutrition Expert  including nutritionists, fitness experts, yoga instructors and more..
  • Get inspired with what is POSSIBLE for you with our  grad success stories (you will get to hear all the awesomeness they are creating post program and how you can too...and it is some COOL stuff!)
  • What are the awesome bonuses included with our community like canfitpro Accreditation, NASM continuing ed credits, Fit Pro Travel Network eligibility, insurance in Canada & USA, access to FIT CHICKS University and more
Amanda Quinn
Founder - FIT CHICKS Academy™
Amanda Quinn is the Co- Founder of FIT CHICKS Academy™. 

Starting in 2008 with only 7 chicks and many companies in the industry failing to grow, Amanda's goal of "fierce fitness made fun" that’s accessible to ALL women expanded their award winning women’s only boot camp from over 20 locations and a multi 7 figure health coaching company to include health retreats, fitness DVD’s programs, nutrition challenges and online fitness & nutrition certifications for women.

Taking her expertise, she has helped 1000's of women build their dream lives, health and fitness businesses across the world.

Award winning Fitness Expert, Health Educator and Leading Transformation Coach, Amanda is also the host of the top 100 rated Fitness & Nutrition Podcast on Itunes named "FIT CHICKS Chat" as well as the TV Host of “Shape Up with FIT CHICKS”. She is also a fitness and nutrition contributor to national publications and TV Shows such as Canadian Living Magazine, The National Post, Breakfast Television, CTV Morning Live and has appeared on CBC's "Dragon's Den" and The Shopping Channel

Amanda's commitment to women's health earned FIT CHICKS the Top Fitness Professional of the Year  & Stevie Award for Women in Business – Health & Wellness Company of the Year.

This program has been life changing in so many levels. I remember that 7 months ago I was watching food documentaries (as usual) and I got so mad that people don’t know about what is going on in the food industry and I knew I had to do something about it but I didn’t have a authority to tell anything to people, so I said to myself, ok I will study and earn the authority.
I started looking on internet for some courses, I checked lot of them and asked for some recommendations to a friend who is Holistic Nutritionist and lives in Canada. She sent me the FNE program link and told me ”This program looks like you”. Check it out! One week later I was sitting in front on my laptop waiting for my 1st class like it was my 1st day in school ever! So excited! I was hesitant about learning online because I had never done it before but with the FNE program I couldn’t wait for my next class, I was highly motivated and getting my assignments done.
My favorite part of the program was the Fitness Module because I didn’t know anything about that topic and I learned so much I can’t even believe it. When I applied the theory in my co-ops and practicals I was blown away about how good was the program and all the transitions. I could listen to my teachers in my head while I was teaching and everything made even more sense. Incredible!
I quit my job, launched my business and I’m having my schedule full with Nutrition workshops around town, I’m getting ready for my Fitness program for spring and summer, I recently also took Food styling classes as I want to keep developing recipes for my social media followers and clients. Best moment of my life thanks to my Chicks!
Dougmary - New Jersey, USA
The FNE program literally was the key to my dream job! I put it out there in the universe, accepted that it would take work and time (as most meaningful things do), but once I dug in, it was work that truly interested me: learning more about my body, how to move it to feel stronger, how to better nourish myself to improve my mental health as well feel physically fit, etc… The fact that this course has 4 modules (Fitness, Nutrition,Wellness and Business) hits on all the key factors to help anyone with a passion for teaching fitness, personal training, or even running food prep classes, starting a food blog, or whatever! It’s no weekend crash course – you’re signing up to learn things that will stay with you for life. The FNE program provides you with so much useful info, and then the sky is the limit as to how you want to apply it your life and business! I love that they give you the tools and then you lend your own creativity to give real meaning to your passion. That’s what sets this program apart!
- Meghan, Toronto, ON 
FNE was an amazing Motivating program! It had been a long time since I had been in school but this program was so full of so much exciting new interesting information ,it keep me on my toes and engulfed in it. At first I felt a bit unsure on my direction but as Laura & Amanda say trust the process and the journey, enjoy each module it will become clear, one step at a time.
My classes have come far, from offering free classes while in school FNE, to having 10 to 12 ladies on a weekly basis year round indoor and outdoor for 6 to 12 wk sessions, my prices have progressively moved up!
Christy B - Barrie, ON
What I liked most about the FNE program and part of what drew me to it was the fact that it is all encompassing. You learn the fitness, nutrition and wellness components, but you also learn the business component as well. And for me it was the personal stories from Laura and Amanda that I found most fascinating. The obstacles they encountered, their successes and failures and advice that they are able to give as a result of their experience was so valuable. It was during one of the business lessons when Laura described how her partnership with Amanda started out with a handshake and a promise to always put their friendship first. How they left their day jobs to follow their dreams. That feeling of freedom they must have had overwhelmed me and that’s when my mind shifted from thinking I’ll just work for someone else to I will work for myself. Succeed or fail, I decided to go for it!
If this is your passion and what you truly want, then go for it. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly how you will use it or what you will do. I had no idea. I figured it out along the way and you will too. The FNE program and member group offers so much support you won’t have to figure it out alone. Find your people. People who you connect with and give you energy. Take that energy and give it all back to them (and maybe a little more). Use your instincts. Don’t take on a client if you don’t feel good about it or teach a class that’s maybe popular but that isn’t you. Over time it will show.Be authentic. Take on the clients that you want to take on and teach the type of classes that speak to you. Teach what you love. I’m doing what I truly love to do and what I believe I should be doing. I think it shows.
Cheryl G.- Regina, SK
I signed up for the course because I was volunteering for a fitness team, raising money for art therapy for local kids and I’m always interested in nutrition as my daughter has various food allergies. However, because of all the information being thrown at me on this course, it has opened a Pandora’s box and tapped into some fabulous ideas that I hope to pursue. I want to motivate women to be their better selves through fitness, foodiness and fierceness at my Bermuda Triangle Retreats! The only limits (I have learned on this course) are my own and I now have the tools to turn this dream into a reality. There is so much information available that I will be revisiting and delve deeper into the course work. I would totally recommend ANYONE taking this course who has an ounce of interest in fitness and nutrition, you will surprise yourself with what you discover on your journey. Oh and I hope you enjoy my Coconutty Turkey Bites, they are a family favourite and so blummin’ easy to make. Thank you again chicks, you ROCK!
  - Ginny E. - Bermuda
In August of 2017 I was able to launch my fitness company Golden Sneaker. I enrolled in one of the fitness schools to pursue my dream career in fitness but all I received was a book that I needed to finish and take test in order to become a group fitness instructor and Personal trainer. I was very disappointed and for 6 months I didn’t even finish the first chapter. I will always owe this to my friend Dougmary who is also my business partner for introducing me to FIT CHICKS. This course has changed my life. I absolutely loved the structure. I finished the Nutrition section during my birthday week 2nd week of January. And one week later I started flexible dieting IIFYM. And since than I have lost 10 pounds in 7 weeks. I have learned so much about nutrition in these weeks. I know by heart how put together my meals even if I am not using My Fitness Pal. This was one of the biggest transformations I have had since I can remember. I eat a lot more than I did. I have more energy I have zero cravings. It is astonishing. I feel like a fitness professional and getting into a good shape is totally helping build more self confidence in doing what I love. So many reached out to me about what program I am using to have such amazing results.
I ABSOLUTELY love this program, and all the information its spreading all around the world. Thank you so much ladies. I feel so grateful to be part of this beautiful community.
Kausar R.- New York, USA
“We are what we eat. Yep, I know we hear this every day, but it is the purest truth. Fitness is not only a fashion thing, but it is also a lifestyle that promotes healthy nutrition which 90% that you eat comes from natural foods – no processed ones – made by you with love; while the rest 10% are those guilty pleasures we should eat with control in order to get an equilibrium in our lives.
Fitness is an inseparable marriage between the exercises and nutrition. Everything we eat has a chemical and hormonal response in our body that would be positive or negative. What we eat can be our worst poison or the best medicine.
Since I was a child, I like to be active. Dancing, swimming, running are being my favorite things to do. I like to be in movement, which helps me to feel good; no matter if training with weights, walking on the treadmill, or a hot yoga class. The mind-body connection that you reach when you do a physical activity, it is something that I can’t describe – it is absolutely amazing. However, it wasn’t always like this. When my life became complicated and challenging during my early 20’s, I found myself on an unhealthy path, eating poorly and treating my body badly. After reaching a breaking point in my 30’s, I made the decision to take control and find the happy, confident life I was meant to live. I rediscovered my love for fitness and I decided to enroll in this wonderful program with FIT CHICKS Academy.
This program has been changed my live, it is not only because I love fitness but also because I discovered that I love to teach to other chicks. I want to show people that it is possible to eat healthy and delicious. I also want to demonstrate that exercises are not only for bodybuilders or Instagram models – it is possible to get the body of your dreams! Juts make that wish in a reality, no excuses. My philosophy is don’t tell people what to eat or what exercises do, teach them why!”
Karina S- Vancouver, British Columbia

Meet Tara who has had 2 job offers from gyms before even graduating!

Meet FNE Grad Kaitlyn who got certified while on maternity leave and build not 1 but 2 bootcamp programs with over 30 clients

What You Will Learn From This Presentation:
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Disclaimer: This presentation is free and is an informational session about what is included in the FIT CHICKS Academy Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program for those interested in more information about the course.  The testimonials are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced, and should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Each student is different and will see different results from our training programs. based on their personal effort. The results that are highlighted on the site should not be considered typical."