What does a “Perfect” Nutrition & Health Coach look like? 🤔
Does she have six pack abs? Wear a crop top? Follow the perfect diet? 🥦 If you google the words - female health coach- those are the images that will pop up. This can feel [...]
Does she have six pack abs? Wear a crop top? Follow the perfect diet? 🥦 If you google the words - female health coach- those are the images that will pop up. This can feel [...]
Part 1 of our series all about heading outdoors to teach fitness programming. We are so excited to share this as teaching in parks was how we built our business in the beginning and how [...]
An enlightening conversation with Dr. Alison Kay, mind-body energy healer and Founder of The Vibrational Upgrade System where we discuss energy healing and the importance of looking within while searching for answers. Dr. Alison also [...]
As an aspiring holistic nutrition and health coach, I want you to be successful from the start. You see, there is a HUGE difference between nutrition & health coaches that are: 😣Struggling to find clients, [...]
Do you start a weight loss plan full of commitment and excitement and then as soon as an obstacle comes up, you think you can’t reach your goal? You throw in the towel. You give [...]
Right now we are in a carb phobia society. We are scared not knowing which ones to eat or avoid with so much mixed messaging. Plus, we keep hearing not all carbs are created equal [...]
Have you ever asked yourself this question? If you have because you struggle to get your fitness & health clients results (even though you are giving them all your best info about "clean" eating and [...]
When a big life change happens, is your nutrition one of the first things to fly out the window? It doesn’t have to if you have a plan of attack. With Head Chick Laura hitting [...]
So many times we tell ourselves that we want to get healthy and reach our weight loss goals but that it will be difficult, boring, secluded and just overall NOT FUN! We ask ourselves negative [...]
With so much success and growth, the main thing people want to know is why the heck we shut down our in person fitness programs?! While the process to decide was not an easy road, [...]