FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast
Each week on FIT CHICKS Chat, Laura & Amanda get you PUMPED to create your FIERCEST life by breaking down the BIG, confusing info about fitness, nutrition & wellness into easy step-by-step action to get you there!
Whether your goal is to lose weight, get toned, eat healthier, stress less, feel inspired or just have some healthy cheerleaders in your corner, each episode is packed with their own tested, ACTIONABLE fitness, nutrition and wellness strategies and guest interviews with the world’s leading female health experts so you can see BIG, life changing results, fast – no matter where you are in your fitness and life journey!
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 569 – How To Simplify Nutrition For Yourself or Your Clients
We have been in the health and wellness industry for over 16 years now and after coaching thousands of clients, the one thing that has become very clear is that there are patterns to [...]
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 568 – The Truth About Aging and Metabolism: Why It Slows, Why We Gain Weight, and How to Boost It
Are you frustrated with a slowing metabolism or unwanted weight gain as you age? This month I am turning 45 and this is a convo I have been having a lot with friends, students [...]
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 567 – Why We Need To Stop Using Face Cream Now and What To Do Instead – Interview with Fiona Nicholls
All my life I was using face creams, anti wrinkle creams and every other product under the sun that I was told would help my skin feel better, look younger and be more vibrant. [...]
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 566 – Understanding & Managing Sugar Cravings: How I Overcame Food Addiction
Ever find yourself reaching for that candy or chocolate bar without even thinking? What if the irresistible pull you feel towards sugary foods isn't just about a sweet tooth or low willpower but is [...]
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 565 – 3 Ways Teaching Fitness Changes Lives
Back in 2008 when we started FIT CHICKS Bootcamp programs, we had no idea how teaching a fitness class would completely transform our lives. At the time we just knew we wanted to do [...]
FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 564 – Build Your Social Media, Grow Your Coaching Business An Interview With Marley Jaxx
You became a heart centered health coach to help others and you are amazing at what you do. However, the biggest roadblock for the majority of coaches seems to come from telling others how [...]