FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 372 – Creating an Inclusive Business – Interview with Sonia Thompson

We are so deeply honored to share this interview with you all today with leading expert on creating inclusive environments, Sonia Thompson. Sonia is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to creating an environment [...]

FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 371 – Health Coaching Success Formula Part 3: The Business of Health Coaching

So you want to grow your fitness and health coaching business but while you LOVE coaching, you are holding back from growing your business skills? Don’t worry - we see this resistance all the time [...]

FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 370 – Health Coaching Success Formula Part 2: The 50/50 Nutrition Results Method

So you want to grow your fitness and health coaching business but you are missing the mark in one key area to support your clients….can you guess what it is?  NUTRITION coaching.  Most fitness and [...]

FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 369 – Health Coaching Success Formula: The #1 Difference Between Successful & Unsuccessful Coaches

So you want to grow your fitness and health coaching business but you are struggling to get clients, results and grow your biz.  After certifying and helping 100’s of fitness and health coaches grow their [...]

FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 366 – 5 Things To Do Today To build a Successful Fitness Or Coaching Business For Tomorrow

If you are tired of struggling in your business or feeling like you do not know what to do to get started as a successful fitness or coaching business owner, this episode is for you. [...]

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