Hey Chicks,

Summer is in FULL SWING and it is more important than ever to skill get your workouts in (#training4life). If you are heading to the cottage, vacation or even a staycation and still want to get your fitness in,  forget being cooped up in the gym and take your workouts outdoors or on the road!

In Episode 8 of FIT CHICKS Chat, Laura and Amanda give their top ways you can get a killer calorie burn and fat blasting workout wherever you are headed this summer by using your elements, finding the perfect equipment for travel and what exercises that will get you the most fat loss and toning results in the shortest amount of time.

Even if you aren’t planning a holiday, this is a must listen on how you can maximize your workouts at home and know how to take your fitness with you wherever life takes you! Also perfect if you are trainer and not sure how to use your outdoor space to give the funnest, fiercest workouts for your clients. (Missed past episodes? Get caught up here 🙂

So what is going down in this episode? See below for details, click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly








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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!