FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 391 – Weight Loss Superfoods
You may have heard of superfoods but have you ever heard of WEIGHT LOSS superfoods? If not, then you need to check out this episode! We are breaking down exactly what they are, the 4 [...]
You may have heard of superfoods but have you ever heard of WEIGHT LOSS superfoods? If not, then you need to check out this episode! We are breaking down exactly what they are, the 4 [...]
Why does it seem like everyone else is so CONFIDENT about becoming a health coach while you feel ridden with self doubt, nerves and don’t think you can get clients results? It is not just [...]
As we count down to enrollment opening for the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification, we are diving in deep about what it REALLY takes to become a master holistic coach that is confident in [...]
As we are leading up to enrollment opening for the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification, we are diving in deep to what it REALLY takes to build successful weight loss coaching programs. In this [...]
Have you thought about becoming a certified holistic nutrition & health coach but you think it’s not for you because of your weight / past / current eating or something along those lines? Let's stop [...]
Holly Perkins, Author of Lift To Get Lean and voted “Top Trainer To Follow” by Shape Magazine joins us today to give us the scoop on exactly how we can begin to turn our body [...]
Are you a fitness coach and struggle to get your clients the results they are looking for? Then you have to watch this…. then head on over to the link to download the brochure for our [...]
We did it, we finally invited a rooster to the show lol. In all seriousness though, we are so honored to have Yuri Elkaim, the Founder of Healthpreneur join us for a discussion all about [...]
Want to know the number one reason that most holistic nutrition and health coaches fail? It's not because they don't have the knowledge. It's not because they lack education. It's not even because they lack [...]
Today is Part 2 of our Teaching Fitness Outdoors Series and we are excited to share all things weather related today. We are diving into rain dates and heat policies to set you and your [...]