Hey Chick,
We are heading into a New Year and while we don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, this is an amazing time to really do some life inventory to look at the year that has just past and set yourself up for the best emotional and physical success that you can for 2017.
So to start this exercise, we want you to grab a pen and paper (no electronics!) and find a place that you feel connected with that is away from distractions. Carve out about 30 – 60 min and make sure your phone is off, you won’t be bothered, you are in a comfy place and feel relaxed.
Wanna listen to the Head Chicks walk you through this awesome exercise? Click on the play button below to listen to the podcast!
Now you are set up, go through each of the steps below and answer each question:
1. Reflecting – Let your mind go back to Jan 2016. Go through each month thinking personally and professionally. You can even write this down as rows by month and then 2 columns of personal and professional. Write down the things that happened in this past year…the good, the bad and the ugly. This will be your starting point.
2. If you had set goals for the year before, how did you do against them? (Again think both personal and professional experience!). Did you meet then or did you not? If not why didn’t you complete these goals?
3. What do you need to improve on? This is a big one without being unkind to yourself but be HONEST! Again break it down to personal and professional areas that you want to improve on from 2016.
4. What was missing from this past year as you look back? (ex. family time, learning and growing in your craft, taking care of your health)
5. What habits or things did you create or commit to in 2016 that were going really well? Where were you excelling?
Now we want you to look at all of this and sit with it for at least 1 day. Let it resonate. Feel the happiness, hurts and lessons from the last year and let them go. Close 2016 by sending it love and kindness (even if it was a terrible year for you) as you are ready to start a new chapter.
After 24 hours from the original exercise, we want you to write a new page – again broken down into 2 columns for personal and professional- and write 3-5 milestones you want to hit.
How to write your milestones? One of the best ways is to write it out in the following format that is also used to create user stories for your clients but is an amazing way to right down action oriented goals for yourself too!
As a <type of user>, I am committing to <some goal> so that <some reason>.
To ensure that <some goal>, I am committing to <some habit>.
Here is my example:
As a health professional, I am committing doing 200 podcasts on fitness, nutrition and wellness so that can be viewed as an authority in the space and help my goal of 10000 change their health and lives
To ensure that I do 200 podcasts, I am committing to creating a podcast calender of topics by Jan 15th, 2017.
As a healthy mom, I am committing doing 4 workouts per week to reach my goal of consistent weekly exercise and leading by example for my kids and family
To ensure that I do 4 workouts per week, I am committing to joining my local gym and attending on Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday in the am so I can get my workouts in and still have active family time with my kids on the weekend.
Want to stay in the loop for future podcasts? Click here and we will make sure you are the first to know when they are available plus other awesome bonuses too!
And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!
Happy Listening!
Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo
PS. Want to learn more about how to break the diet cycle for good, lose weight naturally and help others do the same? Check out our 30 page program brochure for FIT CHICKS Academy’s latest certification, the Natural Weight Loss Coach program starting Jan 24, 2017!