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Hey Chicks,

When you think of fitness, we typically think of the gym but what about getting your sweat on while while reconnecting to your body, your beauty and getting a serious burn on? In today’s episode, founder of Sharqui- The Belly Dance Workout and global brand helping women reclaim their fitness and their body positivity, Oreet joins the Chicks to share how the art of bellydancing can be a game changer to your workouts and your mindset!


In this episode, we cover:

  • The tradition behind bellydancing
  • How this type of dance was created to help women carry children and assist in labor
  • Why bellydancing has become a more sexualized format in North America today
  • What you can expect from a dance class vs a dance fitness class
  • The main differences between strength training, cardio and a dance or dance fitness class for changing your physical body
  • Two cool new moves to help strengthen and tone your entire body – hint you will be doing a shimmy
  • The number one thing you need to do today in order to be ready to transform your health
  • Plus stay tuned to the end for a FREE gift at the end of the interview!

3 Key Points:

  1. Bellydancing tradition is a dance designed for women by women with the idea of the dance meant to be to help women carry a child and help during birth.
  2. This type of dance can be very empowering as it allows for women to move their bodies in anyway and there is a celebration of all body types. There is no right or wrong and no judgement with bellydancing
  3. While bellydancing can help to strengthen and tone your physical body, nothing will be able to truly transform until your mindset is right. You need to be ready for the shift to happen for it truly work.

About Oreet

Teaching people how to bellydance while getting a workout (and having fun) in a supportive atmosphere is her sweet spot. And when it comes to turning people who thought, I can’t do that! into Oh snap, I really can! or “I’m too fat!” into “Damn I’m fabulous” – she’s the one. Oreet has 20+ years of experience as a fitness instructor plus grew up with art form of bellydance and has led packed classes and workshops in the U.S. and Japan. She’s been featured on NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN to name a few and have the titles Bellydancer of the Year, Jewel of the Nile, Entertainer of the Year and Middle Eastern Dance Champion of North America. She’s worked with hundreds of women and men who have found success in meeting their fitness goals as well as discovering this new passion called Bellydance! And when Oreet’s not teaching classes or mentoring new instructors you can find her working on her new online project, doing yoga, rolling around with her kids and hubby and sipping wine.

If you’ve just GOT to know more…She’s obsessed with shows about wedding gowns; She’s living proof that you can look bigger than you are on stage! (Even at 4’10. Shhhh..don’t tell); She goes through virtuous spurts of trying to drink 1 glass of wine a week but she has 2 small kids, so ain’t happening. (Don’t judge); And Bikram yoga keeps her sane.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Facebook @SharQuiworkout
  • Instagram:@sharQuiworkout
  • FREE OFFER – FREE DIGITAL CLASS: to optin for a FREE digital class

Killer Resources!

  1. Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program:   Get certified in fitness, nutrition, wellness & business in 12 weeks! Registration is open for the Sept 27, 2017
  2. Natural Weight Loss Coach: Become a nutrition weight loss expert!  8 week program starts Oct 23, 2017

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting or changing an exercise or nutrition program