Hey Chicks,

On Tuesday’s episode of Chick Chat, we talked to world renowned tabata expert Mindy Mylrea about all things tabatas! We discussed the correct use of the tabata protocol and the afterburn effect, but in today’s recap we are talking about how we personally use tabata style training in our workouts to get in a killer HIIT workout in a short amount of time! 

Want more tabata info? Check out episode #47 of FIT CHICKS Chat!

Killer Resources!

  1. Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program:   Get certified in fitness, nutrition, wellness & business in 12 weeks! Registration is open for the Sept 27, 2017
  2. Natural Weight Loss Coach: Become a nutrition weight loss expert!  8 week program starts Oct 23, 2017

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program