Ever wonder what other women are doing differently in the fitness and nutrition industry to have amazing success? Why their programs are filling up and how they are no longer hustling to get clients?

So instead of us sharing with you “how”, we wanted to bring on one of our amazing FNE grads & Revenue Rockstar, Dougmary to share with you how SHE did it.

In this video, Dougmary shares her story of going from overweight, unhealthy and English as her second language to quitting her corporate job & generating 12k months in her online & in person fitness & nutrition biz to show you what is possible (and the top strategies that you can starting using as soon as you graduate) ⏰👩🏻💻📆

In this training, you’re going to learn…

1:01 – The health shift that made Dougmary to leave her corporate job after 15 years to pursue fitness 🤔
6:45 – How she opened a successful business with NO intention the day she graduated + how she built it (HINT: this will inspire you!) 🌟🌟
12:22: The number 1 Fear that Dougmary had to overcome for her growth (and her business) ⚡️💗
15:42: How to connect to clients at any weight (and why it doesn’t matter) 💁🏼
19:41: What it is like to reach 10 – 12k/ month as a fitness instructor (and which months are best!)💰
23:55: What she has done differently than most fitness pro’s to be successful 🤷💪🏻
26:45: Why making impact & income created by investing in YOU💗

Watch, listen, or read below!

Get  certified as a Fitness and Nutrition Expert Today! Visit www.fitchicksacademy.com  for more info on our upcoming Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification.



Amanda Quinn:

All right. We are streaming live. Hi Doucky, how are you?


Hi, how are you, Amanda? So excited to be here.

Amanda Quinn:

I know, I’m so grateful that you’re joining me today. Thank you so much. For everyone who is joining us live right now, I just want to say Dougmary and I, we’ve known each other for a few years now. You are a grad of our fitness and nutrition expert certification program. We’ve actually stayed in touch over the years, and stayed totally connected, which I love so much.

Amanda Quinn:

I really wanted to have you come on today, because I wanted you to share your experience of not only throughout the certification but also just what you’re doing now. It’s kind of like that Oprah thing where it’s like, where are they now? Where are the stars at now? I want to know what is going on in your life, and what it is that you have got going on. Thank you so much for joining us and being able to share and be so open and honest with all this information.


I’m open. I don’t know if I can help, of course.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. Why don’t you first start off by telling everyone what it was that made you want to get certified, and what your life looked like at that beginning point.


Okay, perfect. I was in the communications field. I was working in marketing, by that time I was doing that part-time while taking care of my daughter. By the time she was three, four years old. I loved my previous career, it was in communications. I worked there in that field more than 15 years. I thought that I was going to be working on that field forever. I work in advertising agencies for years. That was my career. However, I felt that I wasn’t 100% happy where I was doing.


I thought I could find some ways on how to apply my knowledge in nonprofit organizations, because I wanted to help people. That was like my thing. I was like, I want to help people. I don’t feel that in my career I’m helping people. At the same time, I was in my own transformation because I was overweight. I was a busy mom. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to cook, and I just started feeling sick. My husband too was sick. I realized, oh my God, it must be we are not eating the right things.


I started [inaudible 00:02:31] by myself, watching a lot of documentaries. Then when I started learning and learning I was like, oh my God, I need to tell this to the world. We are consuming a lot of sugar. We’re not eating enough veggies. I want to tell moms that they should be feeding their kids differently. I was watching a documentary with my husband. I was like, “Oh my God, I need to do something about this.”


He’s like, “Why don’t you do something then?” I was very passionate about this topic. I was getting furious about it. I was like, I can’t believe how companies are doing this to moms and the kids and all of that. I was like, who am I to tell people? I don’t have any studies or certifications or anything like that. My husband is like, “Well, do one.” I’m like-

Amanda Quinn:

He makes it so simple.


Yeah. He’s like that. I was like, “Okay. Why not?” I’m going to do it. Then I started my research, and I have a friend who lives there in Canada. I live here in United States. She made another certification for one year, and she’s a health coach. I asked her, “Hey, I’m looking for something similar, what you did.” She was like, “Oh, I have the perfect one for you. You like fitness, but also nutrition.


The style of these girls are just like you. Just check it out and see it.” I checked the video and I was like, “I’m totally in, I’m going to do it.” That’s how I started. I just wanted to share information with the world. I didn’t see it as that I’m going to change my career or my business. It was, I just wanted to help people, and I wanted to understand what was behind everything. That’s how I started.

Amanda Quinn:

And be able to really help your family too.


Exactly, just to understand. When I did the certificate, I was like, oh my God, I learned so much. Reading by myself I learned a lot of things. In the internet you have a lot of information. Then when you do something formal as this you are like, wow.

Amanda Quinn:

It all comes together.


It comes together, and you see everything so clear. I didn’t have background or anything like that. It was just common knowledge, like you’re reading the internet.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. You don’t even know if it’s true or not. You’re just finding it on the internet.


Any information. Yeah.

Amanda Quinn:

It’s all just a mishmash of a ton of stuff. It’s not like sequential or anything. Yeah, I totally understand. Now do you find that since you’ve been certified… We’ll talk about your business in a second, but I’m curious. I really want to share a lot about your business, and your revenue and all that kind of stuff. I think what you’re doing is really cool. Do you find too that now that you have this information, that you’ve been in this industry for a while, have you noticed a massive change in terms of your own lifestyle and your family’s lifestyle as well? We were just chatting about Camilla earlier.


Yeah, 150%. My husband, we are from Venezuela so we’re Latinos and we don’t eat vegetables. It’s very carb heavy all the meals. We eat plantains with rice and beans or pasta. That is our thing, and a lot of meat. I can tell you now we are a vegetarian family. I never thought, my husband became vegetarian this last year.

Amanda Quinn:

Wow. You converted him as well.


Yeah. I didn’t tell him. Our changes coming up, coming up made me vegetarian. He’s working out. We were potato couches, what you tell?

Amanda Quinn:

Couch potato.


Couch potato, yeah. He didn’t work out before, and he’s doing [Muay Thai 00:06:18]. I do CrossFit, Camilla is doing Jujitsu. We really enjoy our meals, because we like a lot of veggies. That transformation that you see before and after is like that. We did it because it felt good.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s so cool.


Yeah, we cannot believe how much we change. I mean it really feels good.

Amanda Quinn:

Now, I know you weren’t necessarily planning on starting your own business, but that ended up happening when you graduated. I know you were instantly just like a full-time job-


Yeah, it made me do that.

Amanda Quinn:

I know.


It was the last module of the certification, that you’ve got to do your own business. I’m like, okay. I already had it here, so just let’s launch it.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, I know. I know. I’m such an entrepreneur pusher. I always try to tell everyone, “Start your own business. You can have so much success in your own.” Do you mind sharing a little bit about your business right now, and what it is that you’re doing with the people watching?


Yeah, sure. I have a company that is called Become Fit Forever, BFF. I have this with my friend. She is my partner, Kausar. She’s not here now because she’s teaching a class tonight.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, hi Kausar.


We help moms to get fit again. That feeling that you had before having babies. A body that you really like, and then you become a mom and everything goes down the road. Sometimes, you get to a point that you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. We work with these moms that want to recover all those clothes that are in the closet, and they want to feel healthier for them and for their kids. They want a healthier family, and they want to look good again.

Amanda Quinn:

Like what you wanted. You want to give them what you were able to transform in your own life.


Exactly. I’m working with my past. That’s why I connect with my clients a lot, because I know what they’re going through right now. Then I work hard so they can see that it’s totally possible. You can do it being a mom, being an entrepreneur. You can have the body that you want, you can eat healthier, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to be cooking all the time, because that is the fear that everyone has. I don’t have time to cook, I don’t have time to work out.


You don’t need to work out all the time, and you don’t need to cook all the time. We build programs that are easy to follow, recipes that you can make max 15 minutes that are yummy for the whole family. Nobody has time to be preparing different meals for everyone. A meal that is good for you. You’re going to lose weight with that, but also is healthy for the whole family. Workouts are also short, that are fun. We teach here in Jersey City. We have classes here in Jersey City, and the rest of the business is online.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, because you have a mix, right? Is it a 50/50 would you say in terms of a split of online and in person?


I think now it’s more a 70/30 okay. We have changed a little bit. Last year it was like 50/50. Right now, is growing more towards the online part.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s awesome. That’s what I know your goal was, so that’s great.


Exactly. Now I think it has been also, the need has come from the moms. They were so bummed that they couldn’t attend the classes. We’re like “You don’t have to attend the classes to lose weight, to learn how to eat healthy. You don’t have to come in person. If you come, we’re going to be there. You’re going to have fun together. You’re going to get sweaty. You can also reach that goal online.” They’re happy, because they don’t have time. Sometimes they have their kids, they can no leave.

Amanda Quinn:

Totally. I mean it’s what I always say, the convenience is the number one factor as to why people purchase. They will purchase based on convenience, and especially moms. I will buy something because they’re going to deliver it to my house, versus me having to go to the store. I don’t have that 10 minute window to go to the store. You know what I mean? It’s all about convenience. I’ll pay the extra shipping fee just for that reason. It’s the same idea with fitness or with anything. A lot of moms just are like, how do I fit it into my schedule? When you’re bringing it to their living room, it gives them the opportunity to just make sure it fits.


100%. One of the things that we have in our program is accountability. It’s so easy for moms to forget about themselves and their own goals.

Amanda Quinn:



Yeah. It’s about everyone else, the kids, the husband, the house, your work, your family if you have family abroad. We are on top of our time.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing.


You have a trip, you have to do this. How was your trip, what are you doing. We are on top of that, and they’re not. They are like, oh my God, I have to be compliant because these ladies, you know-

Amanda Quinn:

They’re like stalking me. For you it’s full-time, is that correct?



Amanda Quinn:

This is not something, and you went into it full-time right away, didn’t you?


Right away.

Amanda Quinn:

You quit your job, and you just went full-time into running your own business, which I love. I think that’s crazy.


Yeah. I didn’t have time to finish the paperwork that I have to send you and the videos. I’m like, “No, I want to do this.” So I quit, and then right away I launched my business in the same month. In February and in March, March eight actually. Oh my God, it wasn’t, I totally forgot.

Amanda Quinn:



It was yesterday.

Amanda Quinn:

Happy anniversary.


I think just because it was Women’s International Day. Women in my community helped me a lot to launch my business and everything. I was a woman of course, and I wanted to be the example of my kids. Yeah, it was yesterday,

Amanda Quinn:

So cool, that’s awesome. Now when you were going into getting certified, as well as even just starting your own business, did you have any fears? Any fears around yourself personally or any mindset fears around actually making money in this industry? I know that there are a lot of people watching and listening right now that are like, they want this so bad. They’re like, “I want to get into this industry. I want to do this, but I maybe don’t look the part, or English isn’t my first language, or I don’t know if I’ll make money. I’m scared that there’s so many trainers out there.” Did you have those same fears going into this or did you have any?


I have my fears, many fears. The cool this is, I was empowered when I finished the certification, so I took it right away. I’m like, okay, they told me I could do it, I can do it. I have these fears, with time you start thinking, oh my God, this is not going to be good. The first thing that I started doing was teaching classes and personal training. I was so afraid of teaching a class, because English is my second language. Sometimes it’s still, they just laugh now.


When you’re doing the stretch at the end, the cool down. I say, “Head your shake, no, instead of shake your head.” They just laugh now. I was like, I’m going to make a mistake when I’m teaching people, and yelling saying out loud, “How I’m going to give directions in English.” That was my first fear, but I practiced a lot. You made us do videos, make videos. That really helped me, because I have to go through all the process and just repeat it, and just do it. That really helped me. I had the confidence to do it, but I was so scared.

Amanda Quinn:

Do you also find even now, looking back, the fear of saying the wrong thing. You know now, nobody cares. Nobody even knows or cares, or half the time they don’t even notice.


Yeah. Sometimes they don’t know what I’m talking about. When I explain games, I do a lot of games. Sometimes, I don’t explain myself correctly, but then they just get it. They’re just there, to be pumped and just to jump, and it’s fine. As long as they get their workout done, they’re going to be fine. That was one of the fears that I had. A second fear was that I didn’t look like a fitness trainer. I was very scared of the trainers in my gym. I was like, “Oh my God, she looks so good. I don’t want her to talk to me, because I’m overweight or whatever.” I didn’t look like them. I was like, how people are going to hire me if I don’t look certain way?

Amanda Quinn:

I think that’s the biggest fear that almost everybody has, and it’s so wrong because it’s-


Yeah. I look like them, but it was because I took the decision last year. I was like two and a half years looking okay. I wasn’t like-

Amanda Quinn:

Well, you didn’t transform to be able to be successful. You transformed because you transformed for your own personal goals.


Yeah, I just wanted to-

Amanda Quinn:

It wasn’t, did it change your business at all really? No.


No, no, no. Actually I feel that I connected even more before because it was like, oh, she knows what she’s talking about. I’m losing weight, I’m eating healthier. She knows. Who cares how she looks like. I remember one of my trainers in the gym that I was going to, and she wasn’t it all the fitness model. I loved her, because she could make me work out like nobody else. She inspired me. I was like, no, it doesn’t matter as long as I know what I’m doing and I can help people. Actually my clients look at me like I wasn’t. It is like that.

Amanda Quinn:

I know what you mean. It really doesn’t matter. People are inspired by different things, and that’s the whole thing. Some people are inspired by someone who looks like that cover of the Oxygen Magazine, but then some people are inspired by just like a mom that can pick up their kid. It’s really about every individual person.


You get me to give vegetables to my kids? Okay. Where do I sign for? I’m going to do it. It doesn’t matter how you look like, what is your accent at all. I speak on Instagram all day. I make mistakes, and people don’t care. People don’t care. You just have to show up and just talk. Just teach people, it’s fine. Then my other fear was making money.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. That was going to be my next question, about making money. I know you and I have had some conversations in the past about your money block and your mindset block around that. You had this block, this fear that people wouldn’t pay you enough. You weren’t charging people enough, and I remember telling you. I think you were a few months into your business, and I said, “You’re working too hard for too little. You need to work less and charge more.” You were like, “Okay, I’m going to do it, because you tell me,” but you were scared. I know you were scared.


I was scared. It’s something that I’m still working on, but much better than three years ago.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. What happened when you listened to me?


Oh my God, everything changed. I was like, oh my God, that is true. I’m working so hard, especially when I saw that the clients were changing, I was like, I’m worth it. What I’m doing is good for them, and it’s going to be for life. Not even the money that they are paying, I mean there is not money in the world that you can receive from that, because you are changing their life. Cholesterol levels, people with thyroid issues, borderline diabetic, people with allergies, intolerance. You are helping them for life, honestly. It has to have a price, because it’s your time. You’re investing time on helping them.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, and it’s worth it.


Totally. At the beginning, there is a lot of learning on how much time you should invest in your clients. Then you start realizing that they don’t, like that happening a lot. That you talk a lot with your clients. You want to tell them everything. You told me, “You have to tell them one thing at a time. They’re not going to do everything. They don’t care about all the science. Just tell them what to do and only one thing.” I follow your advice, and then of course I raise prices. You continued to do it, but it is a process. It is a process.

Amanda Quinn:

It is a process, but it definitely shifted your business. Would you mind sharing what has been your revenue numbers to date? I want real numbers. What were your revenue numbers to-date, and what has been your biggest grossing month to-date?


Okay. In these three years combining personal training and the online programs and the classes, it has been around $90,000, 90K. Actually, yeah, I didn’t count these two months, so maybe it’s a little bit more. We’re in March. Yeah, I didn’t count these three months. I have been around 90K, and the best month has been between 10 to 12K a month, and it usually comes to the end of the year, I realized.

Amanda Quinn:

You see the patterns over the years, don’t you?


I see the patterns. Sometimes it surprises me. The beginning of the year, it’s not everyone think it is.

Amanda Quinn:

No. I’ve told people that. The beginning of the year, everyone assumes it’s going to be this big explosion. It’s actually, I find some of the hardest months. It starts getting busier around March or April, and then it picks up from there.


Exactly. It becomes, yeah-

Amanda Quinn:

Anyone listening, don’t expect that January is going to be your big month, because it probably won’t.


Last year, July was my best month ever.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. That’s amazing.


Yeah, I remember that we were going to cancel classes and go on vacation. We couldn’t, because people were like, “What? No, we need…” We were like, “Okay, we’re open.” In the second year, we closed for some weeks. Last year, we couldn’t close any week of the year because we were so busy. We have to be working, we have to take care of our clients.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing. That’s a good problem to have, Doucky.


Yeah, we learned about that. Then October was a good month for two years in a row, and last year it was July.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing. How long would you say it took you to pay back? A lot of people, they think about investing in the fitness and nutrition expert program. They think, “Well, I’m going to spend so much money, and it’s costing so much.” The way that I like to see it is, when you’re investing in yourself and your education, you’re investing in something that is for life.

Amanda Quinn:

It’s not really like you’re spending the money, you’re investing the money. It’s a very different mindset that I think of it as. If you had to look at it from numbers, how long did it take you to earn back your tuition? The cost of the tuition, when did you make enough money after graduating, how many months did that take you to earn that back?


I started in March, and in June I got my money back.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing.


Yeah, it was like that.

Amanda Quinn:

So fast.


Yeah. My first client, I’m going to tell you, I charge $60. My first client. With that money, I pay the platform where I have all my recipes and everything organized with that money. I was like, oh my God. I invested in the certification with the money that I got from my former job. I quit, with that I pay the certification. Then with those $60, I invested in this system where I have everything organized. You have to pay it monthly. I’m like, hopefully I’m going to have many $60 clients. Just to pay the 60, I didn’t think about the money I invested in the certification. I thought about those $60. In June, it was done. Yeah, like three, four months. Yeah.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing. That’s amazing. What would you say has been, one of the things that I think is really different about you is the way that you approach things. I’ve talked to you a lot about this, and I talk about this a lot to all of our students in the programs. One of the things that people tend to do in fitness is they tend to just go to following the same thing.

Amanda Quinn:

They follow the same path that everybody else is following, and then they get stuck in this cycle. It’s really hard for them to break out of that cycle and to stand out in the market. What do you think you have done differently in your business, and alongside with Kausar as well? What have you guys done differently in order to be so successful?


Okay. First, niching down was one of the things that really helped us, knowing you cannot help everyone. We learned that from you guys. We have specific cases, but we help moms. Why? Because we connect with them. We know their struggles.

Amanda Quinn:

Because you are moms.


Exactly, we know their struggles, we connect with them, we know how to overcome those struggles. For me it’s so easy just to take the phone and talk to that person, because that person was me. That was me. I know how I was six years back, how I felt. Talking about that is very important. Being consistent, because we have days that I’m like, oh my God, what I’m doing. It’s just showing up and being consistent and knowing what to do. I think being consistent has been, knowing that we’re helping people. If we stop, we are not going to be helping people.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah. I love that. I love it. It’s staying in the mindset. It’s almost like putting yourself in the reminder of why you’re here, why you’re showing up every day. Even the days that you don’t want to show up, it’s easier to show up and do the work, because you’re like, wait, these people are relying on me. I have a vision board in my office that has a picture of my daughter and my parents and everyone. I know everything I’m doing is for them. Even those days when I’m really tired, and I just want to put my head on my desk and just go to sleep, I’m like, no, I’m doing this for this. Then I have images of all of our students, and our posters of everything. It’s a reminder of all the people around the world.


Why you’re doing. Especially because you’re working for your, nobody’s telling you what to do. If you’re working from home like I do, it is so easy just to wake up in your pajamas and say like, I like this way of working. Finding the support, I know that anytime that I feel like that I can send you a line, and you’re going to tell me, “Just keep going.”


With the time it’s going to get easier. Right now, I’m in my third year of business. I wake up, and I wake up to messages from my clients. They are waiting there. “Oh my God, I can fit in this dress. I just lost this. My kids ate this vegetable. Thank you for giving me that tip yesterday.” It’s so easy, because I wake up and I just see those messages. You just have to keep going.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s amazing. Now what would you say to any women that are watching this right now and that are thinking, “I want to do this. I want to get certified. I want to take the fitness and nutrition expert certification, but…” Then they have their big butt, something that is standing in their way of making that commitment. Whether it be, I can’t afford it. I don’t look the part. English isn’t my first language, which I know you were struggling with in the beginning.

Amanda Quinn:

Even, will I even be successful? Whatever the reason is, because everyone seems to have this reason that they can’t do it. I always think, it’s about shifting your mindset to thinking what you can do, but that’s me. What would you say to the women that are sitting there thinking, “I want to do this, but I’m nervous to do it. I’m scared.” What would you say to them right now?


Well, if you are considering doing this it’s because you want to help people. If you are not doing it, as I say, you’re not helping people. Obesity is increasing. That is really sad. Every time I go out and I see how the kids are eating, and you have the opportunity to change the world in your own terms one family at a time. It’s literally like that. If you help one person in that family, you’re going to help many members, and then you can multiply that. You can make something really significant in the world.


It is not like, the certification is not expensive at all. You can literally go out, teach classes, do personal training, it’s very profitable. Everything that you are going to learn in the certification is so easy to put into place. I check other certifications is not that easy. You’re going to get ready. As soon as you graduate, you can get ready literally to go and work the next day.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, no, that’s perfect. Yeah. Thank you so much. Thank you for sharing that. One of the things that I love is also just the fact that with our community we stay so connected. Everyone in the community stays connected. Like I said, you graduated three years, you’ve been in business for three years, and you and I still stay in touch. We still communicate and we still-


Yeah, [inaudible 00:28:55] the girls of the certification. One of them came to New York, and I could hang out with her.

Amanda Quinn:

That’s so cool.


I do that all the time. It is a beautiful community.

Amanda Quinn:

Yeah, for sure. You never feel like you’re out on your own doing this. You always feel like you’ve got someone behind you.


You can see how everyone takes, because it’s the same. It’s fitness and nutrition, but everyone took a different path to help different people, and that is beautiful. We’re all different. It is not like, oh there are many, no. I see how they pick different target niche, and they’re doing amazing.

Amanda Quinn:

I know. It’s so exciting. Well thank you again, Doucky, for sharing this.


You’re welcome.

Amanda Quinn:

Everyone, thank you so much for joining us tonight. If of course you have any other questions, you can comment below. We’d be happy to answer them. If you want to check out any more information, make sure that you go to fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure. I’ll put the link in the comments below so that you can also download the brochure and check out more information. All right. Thank you again, Doucky.


You’re welcome. Bye-bye.

Amanda Quinn:

Bye everyone.

Laura & Amanda

Founders of FIT CHICKS Academy

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program