As an aspiring holistic nutrition and health coach, I want you to be successful from the start.

You see, there is a HUGE difference between nutrition & health coaches that are:

😣Struggling to find clients, that can’t get results and  just overall feel frustrated all the time in their business and feel like they’re never going to make this happen…

🤑Versus SUCCESSFUL coaches who effortlessly get clients (they just seem to fall out of the sky!)  Their results are mind blowing even to themselves. They love what they do and  literally wake up every day feeling like I have the best job in the world, which we all want to feel like, right?

So like I said, I want you to get certified and be successful from the START so you want to check out this video training where I break down the 3 Things SUCCESSFUL coaches do differently (and what NOT to do) so you can start generating the impact & income you deserve from the day you get certified including:

00:20 : 🔑 What are the key difference between SUCCESSFUL health coaches & struggling ones

00:50 : ❌Why the “health coaching for EVERYONE” mentality is setting you up for failure & what to do instead

01:40:  The #1️⃣ area of health coaching that generates more clients, revenue and results than anywhere else (and why you are missing out HUGE if you do not include this in your coaching)

02:00:  📈 Why successful coaches should NEVER do this when creating programs and plans #lazycoaching

03:50: ✨The secret to coaching clients and the method to follow that gets them mind blowing results

04:50 : 🙋How you can get certified as a Holistic Health Coach & make sure you fall into the SUCCESS category (even with zero experience!)


Start your journey to becoming a Certified Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach! Download the Brochure here => 


Laura & Amanda

Founders of FIT CHICKS Academy

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program