Unleash Your Inner Strength with FIT CHICKS Friday: Upper Body Pull Circuit

Hey there, amazing FIT CHICKS! It’s that time of the week when we’re diving headfirst into another incredible workout – FIT CHICKS Friday style! This week, we’re targeting those upper body pull muscles with a sizzling Upper Body Pull Circuit. Get ready to feel fierce, fab, and stronger than ever!

Why Circuit Workouts Are a Game Changer

Before we dive into the awesomeness of our Upper Body Pull Circuit, let’s talk about why circuit workouts are the bomb:

  1. Efficient, Time-Savvy Magic: We get it, life’s a whirlwind. FIT CHICKS Friday is here to save the day! You can conquer an empowering workout in a jiffy, leaving you feeling invincible in just a short amount of time.
  2. Full-Body Love: This circuit focuses on upper body pull exercises that work wonders for your back, biceps, and shoulders. You’ll sculpt and strengthen those muscles like a true fitness superstar.
  3. Heart-Pumping Awesomeness: Our circuit workouts mix strength and cardio seamlessly. You’ll torch calories, fire up your metabolism, and leave the gym (or your living room) feeling on top of the world.

The Upper Body Pull Circuit: Unleash Your Inner Strength

Let’s break down this week’s fierce and fab Upper Body Pull Circuit, featuring five empowering exercises:

  1.  Wide Row: Start with a set of 12-15 wide rows, engaging your back muscles for a powerful start.
  2. Dumbbell Pull Over: Transition seamlessly to 12-15 dumbbell pull overs, targeting your chest and back while keeping those core muscles engaged.
  3. Upright Row: Elevate your strength game with 12-15 upright rows, honing in on those shoulders and traps.
  4. Reverse Fly: Strengthen your rear deltoids and upper back with 12-15 reverse fly reps, feeling those wings spread.
  5. Concentration Curl: Finish strong with 12-15 concentration curls, isolating your biceps for that added definition.

Perform these exercises with no rest in between to maximize your results. After conquering this set, reward yourself with a well-deserved 1-minute breather. Hydrate, catch your breath, and brace yourself for the next round.

You Can Do It – All You Need Is You!

This Upper Body Pull Circuit is not just for seasoned fitness warriors – it’s for anyone ready to feel fierce and fab. Whether you’re a newbie or a fitness aficionado, these workouts are designed for YOU. Your journey, your pace, and your strength.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us for FIT CHICKS Friday and show those upper body pull muscles who’s boss. You’ve got this, and we’re here to cheer you on every step of the way!

Stay fierce, stay fab, and keep crushing those FIT CHICKS goals! 💪🐥💃 #FITCHICKSFriday #UpperBodyPull #FierceAndFab




If you  love our FIT CHICKS Friday you will love the FIT CHICKS 28 Day Transformation Challenge. It is a 4 week fitness, nutrition & lifestyle challenge for busy women – like you – that want to transform their bodies and create healthy habits that ACTUALLY work for life.

No confusion. No hard to follow plans. We walk you through EXACTLY what to do each day of each WEEK to create the health, new body & a life of never dieting again. You just have to follow along.

This in program is about ditching the “quick fixes” with weekly customized fitness, nutrition & life coaching support designed FOR WOMEN to get fast results including:

  • Weekly meal plans & grocery lists
  • Weekly workouts to do in under 30 minutes
  • Weekly workout videos to follow along
  • Weekly FIT CHICKS 101 lifestyle videos
  • Accountability & support through our private Facebook community
  • and more!

Register at fitchicks.ca/challenge