Hey Chicks,

Today’s FIT CHICKS Friday workout is a 10-minute cardio HIIT workout that you can do at home.

Before starting your HIIT workout, it’s important to warm up your body. You can start with some simple exercises like marching in place, arm circles, jumping jacks, or high knees for 2-3 minutes.

This 10-minute cardio HIIT workout consists of five exercises, each performed for 30 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest. Complete all five exercises, rest for one minute, and then repeat the circuit for a total of two rounds.

After completing the two rounds, take a minute to cool down your body. You can do some simple stretches like a quad stretch, hamstring stretch, or calf stretch. Remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body throughout the workout. If any exercise feels too difficult or uncomfortable, feel free to modify or rest.

Happy Sweating Chicks!!



If you  love our FIT CHICKS Friday you will love the FIT CHICKS 28 Day Transformation Challenge. It is a 4 week fitness, nutrition & lifestyle challenge for busy women – like you – that want to transform their bodies and create healthy habits that ACTUALLY work for life.

No confusion. No hard to follow plans. We walk you through EXACTLY what to do each day of each WEEK to create the health, new body & a life of never dieting again. You just have to follow along.

This in program is about ditching the “quick fixes” with weekly customized fitness, nutrition & life coaching support designed FOR WOMEN to get fast results including:

  • Weekly meal plans & grocery lists
  • Weekly workouts to do in under 30 minutes
  • Weekly workout videos to follow along
  • Weekly FIT CHICKS 101 lifestyle videos
  • Accountability & support through our private Facebook community
  • and more!

Register at fitchicks.ca/challenge